Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Green Drink

This is it. A bunch of collard greens*, one large cucumber, and two good sized carrots, juiced in my Dr. Weil Spring juicer.

The cucumber and carrots are definitely necessary to offset the bitter green taste. I usually use kale instead of collard greens, but when collard greens were on sale at Whole Foods, I thought I'd try making something with them. After a week of not finding a recipe that looked appetizing, I decided to juice it.

Juiced greens smell of the earth in Spring. Drinking it makes me feel even more a part of this world - literally!

How about that cow on the glass of a fresh veggie drink! The glass was another sale find at William Sonoma - I love those sales. Unfortunately, it seems WS doesn't have as many sales as they used to :'-(.

*GREENS - When juicing I use the big-smooth-leaf kale, not curly kale. Primarily because the curly kale tastes wonderful when ripped into about one inch pieces, sprinkled with olive oil (not too much otherwise it will be greasy) and kosher salt, and then dried in a 250 degree oven for about half an hour. Stay tuned for a picture. I suppose any green leaf could be used. Spinach would probably work well, but I love spinach just as it is - no need to change its form.

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