Sunday, April 18, 2010

Camping - Skewerless Shish Kabobs

This weekend I rendez vous-ed with my parents for a little Airstreaming.

Upon my Friday evening arrival, my parents had picked up my Airstream and set it up - they spoil me so and I love it!

Dinner that night was this beautiful salad prepared by my mom, and burgers on the grill by my dad.

What a nice place to dine. Do I look relaxed already?

The next day was a relaxing one - at least for me and my mom. My dad was tinkering around the site all day. How he does love to tinker. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why everything my parents own is in such tip top shape.

tinkering . . .

more tinkering . . .

a bike ride

and then some more tinkering.

While my dad was tinkering, my mom and I were enjoying the day via our LaFuma's, a good book, good conversation, and I think I did sneak in a snooze.

Dinner that evening was skewerless shish kabob - one of my parent's regular camping meals.

The main ingredients . . . thick cut bacon, five quartered plum tomatoes with the wet seed middles removed, one container of whole mushrooms cut in half, one red onion cut into eighths, one green pepper and two red peppers (because I like red ones more than green) cut into about one inch square pieces, and anything else that sounds good to throw in.

Sprinkle the veggies with olive oil (not too much), salt and pepper.

Cook the bacon until almost done before adding to the veggies for grilling.

Grill the veggies in one of those holey grilling pans until done to your liking.

My mom pan fried the potatoes and onions - I never get tired of this dish. It's better than french fries.

Oops . . . this picture doesn't belong here . . .
But it's too cute to delete. That's my dad and youngest niece Hannah dressed as a mime for her French class restaurant at one of her school events. Oh la la, tu est adorable!

We dined under a blue sky

next to the fire

and it was delicious! Food always taste better when made outside. Why is that?
The only thing missing is a loaf of a good crusty french bread with cold butter.

And after a good meal, a good walk.

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