Sunday, April 11, 2010

Breakfast Update

On 4/02/10 I posted a picture of an abridged version of one of my favorite breakfast meals. This is how it should have looked. Notice the egg has been poached* with the yolk left nice and runny, and this time I had baby spinach. Mmmm, Mmmmm, it's good eats!!!

* Usually I make poached eggs by dropping the egg in the hot (not boiling) water so the whites set a little. I then throw a few good chugs of tarragon vinegar into the water which also helps set the whites while adding a nice subtle flavor. I gently break the egg into the water and poach away. Sometimes, I'll break the egg into a small dish and slide it into the water. For me, this works best at keeping the shape of the egg. However, the fewer dishes to wash the better, so I live with free form poached eggs that I get by just breaking the egg right into the water. In the picture above I tried using this black poaching device. I'm not sure if I used it correctly, but the egg turned out pretty good. However, it was another thing to wash - yuk! Not worth it. Perhaps if I was making three poached eggs I would use it. We'll see.

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