Saturday, November 5, 2011

Youthful Chic vs. Middle-Aged Chic

Oh, I remember it well.
I can still pull it off, but only if there is little walking involved.
So now, my chic-ness returns to the chic-ness of my youth.
I am a woman, not a girl,
I am a woman, not a girl,
I am a woman, not a girl . . . .

OK, I know the shoes don't make the woman,
but I sure do miss those carefree-foot days.
By the way, those beautiful shoes belong to my
niece Hannah; the blue gym shoes, to me.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bettina's Visit

Sometime in September, a beauty from Germany landed in
the good ol' USA via O'Hare Airport.

Was she here to see Chicago . . .

or to see me? I like to believe both since we both are stunningly fabulous!

Two days after she arrived, jet lag and all, she jogged for seven miles (aka 11km). If you look close enough you'll see her on the sidewalk jogging past a McDonald's with the American flag - she is definitely in the US!

As I went off to work, Bettina toured Chicago.
But for one day, we left the urban area for the
Indiana Dunes - good idea Bettina.

Let's move back a little so you can see that we really were at the Dunes and not in the Sahara.

It was the hottest day of her visit and we hiked up and down those dunes.
I was sweating like a pig (although I have no idea how a pig sweats).
Bettina was sweating like a tsetse fly (again, I have no idea how a tsetse fly
sweats but it has to be less than a pig).

We ended the visit to the Dunes with a dip in the lake and a picnic under the umbrella.

Another outing together was to Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park neighborhood.
Again, good idea Bettina.

These photos are taken before the torrential rain hit.

We also spent an evening with Kris along the lakefront (that big black mass in the background is Lake Michigan) for a glass of wine, chips and dip, and fun conversation.

Most days after work for me and days touring Chicago for Bettina ended with a visit with my ever engaging parents.

Her last day started with a leisurely breakfast.

And then a walk on Northwestern University's lakefront where student graffiti riddles the rocks.

The conclusion before packing her bags to leave for O'Hare, over the Atlantic, and back to Germany were spent lounging on a bench in a park on Evanston's lakefront.
It was a good day.
It was a good visit.
I'm lucky to count Bettina as a friend.
I'm unlucky that she lives so far away.
Oh yea, one more thing, I'm lucky her English is so good.

Bis später my friend.

Monday, August 22, 2011

McClure's Pickles - WOW!

I should probably be more specific, McClure's Spicy Spears Pickles - WOW!

For quite a while I've been curious about McClure's pickles. Aside from their enticing appearance and packaging, they are pricier than the more familiar brands. Does pricier equate to tastier? I was about to find out. They were on sale so I broke down and bought a jar. I didn't see "spears spicy" on the label, even though it's in a pretty large font with an obvious red chili pepper between the two words.

I bit into one (remember, not knowing they were spicy) and WOW!!!!!

So I say McClure's Pickles - WOW!!!

This is a good wow.

These pickles are quite the treat.

I wonder what the not spicy spears taste like?

On a parting note, the ingredients list for these pickles is deliciously short: cucumbers, vinegar, water, salt, peppers, garlic dill. Notice that none of the ingredients end in "ates" or "ites".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Julia's Most Excellent Carrots

A bunch of carrots were going limp in my fridge yesterday, so off I embarked on a search for a carrot recipe. For the ease and simplicity of it, I choose Julia Child's recipe for Glazed Carrots minus the sugar (it was sooo not necessary).

Julia suggests peeling the carrots before cutting them into chunks of equal size. I just brush them clean, no peeling.

Put the carrots in a pot with enough water to go half way up the carrots. Add some salt and one to two tablespoons of butter. Cover and boil until the water evaporates then let the carrots saute in their own juices for a while (I just kept my eyes on them). Serve up and enjoy.

I ate half the carrots right away. With much restraint I saved the rest for later. A quick reheat in the microwave (an appliance I try to avoid) and they were as tastey as the first time. So easy and so delicious. My favorite type of recipe.

By the way, notice the new tablecloth. I bought it in Strasbourg, France (formerly in Germany, then in France, then Germany, then France . . . . aye, yaye, yaye!)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I've never seen a smiling face that is not beautiful.
Author Unknown

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Senior's Last Day

I have no photo to document today, but nonetheless I feel compelled to comment on it. It was the last day of high school for "my" seniors. As is probably obvious from this blog, I feel so fortunate to have the love and to love my nieces. To add another layer of wonderful in my life are the seniors I teach in AP Calculus AB. Their decency, conscientious personality, responsibility, interests, respectful demeanors, and joyful qualities have contributed to the joys of my days this past year. I doubt they know how much, for when those qualities in a person are constant they can take on a normalcy. Through interactions with other students and people in general, I realize it is not always "normalcy" and these qualities should not be taken for granted. So thank you AP Calculus AB students 2011. You will forever have a spot etched in this teacher's heart!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Arthritis Walk 2011

This year my niece Monique and I walked for the first time in the Arthritis Walk 2011 in honor of my mom and her Oma.
It was a wonderful, inspirational and fun morning.

Monique and I started at the front so we could walk fast, and by fast I mean fast for me.
I was one step behind her the whole time.
Times have changed - she used to follow me, and she used to be shorter than me.

Oma and Opa watched the walkers go by - Oma with her arthritis, Opa with the remnants of the flu.

We walked with the Chris, another fast walker and former triathlete. Lupus put a kabash on that level of athleticism for her. Nonetheless, her looks and walk belie the constraints of lupus.

And then there is after the walk. HOTDOGS - let the summer begin!!!

The Little People entertained the walkers and even kissed the Oma, as did the big black hawk.

And the final entertainment was done by these rather handsome Chicago police men and their dog. All pleasing to the eye!

I want a dog!

It was a good day - ha-ya!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sarah Graduates from the American Academy of Art!!!

It's that time of year when celebrations of life's major moments and accomplishments joyfully envelope our lives.

In our family, Sarah's graduation from the American Academy of Art, with honors I might add, was one of those events.

Little Sarah, yikes!!! How times does fly - way too fast!!! Can't we have several versions of her? I love who she is now, but I also miss who she was at age 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 , . . . . you get the idea. Just ask her parents and the gushing love they have for all ages of Sarah will speak for itself.

Where do I begin with this wonderful event . . .

Sarah was so embraced by her professors.
Their affection and mutual admiration was palpable.

Then there's her proud parents . . .

proud Opa, Grandmother, and Oma . . . .

her proud Autie and sister Hannah . .
and artistic friends (and Oma!)

This collage is a sampling of the more familiar art pieces that were produced by AAA alumni.
Please excuse the quality. They are photos of photos from a bit of a distance.

Visit Loren Long's webpage, the AAA alum who was honored at this year's graduation. You will thoroughly enjoy his work!!! It's prolific including illustrations of President Barack Obama's book "Of Thee I Sing a Letter to My Daughters."

This blog entry would be remiss if I didn't note Sarah's art. I need not say more, for the work speaks for itself. However, I am only able to display one piece. So check out her website and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Sarah Kasch

Congratulations Sarah!! On to the next chapter in your life.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Winter Parking Chicago Style

After back breaking shoveling to free your car,
you need and have the right to claim that parking spot, right?

Whether or not you agree with the long held Chicago tradition of claiming a parking space with furniture, you have to admit it's pretty darn amazing that most of these pieces don't walk away with a new "owner".

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Storm 2011

It started at about 3 PM on Tuesday, right in time for rush hour - not so fun - and continued until about 11 AM Wednesday - so fun.

Snow, snow, snow, peaceful wind blowing full fledged snow!
The third "worst" snow storm on record in Chicago - IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!

The next morning cars were buried . . .

and buried.

Even the beautiful beast - buried a few hours before this picture - well done Dad.

The streets were free to roam . . .

and the neighborhood was out shoveling . . .

shoveling . . .

and shoveling.

With a little surfing between.

This block of people didn't wait for the city plows, they took the bulls by the horn and shoveled it out themselves - I love that!!!!

After a building shoveling-arama, it was to the pool for margaritas and warmth.

The next day, I walked a block east to this main thoroughfare. It was like another world. Cars were in use, not buried under snow or shoveled free but for what - the side streets were still under 20 inches.