Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Senior's Last Day

I have no photo to document today, but nonetheless I feel compelled to comment on it. It was the last day of high school for "my" seniors. As is probably obvious from this blog, I feel so fortunate to have the love and to love my nieces. To add another layer of wonderful in my life are the seniors I teach in AP Calculus AB. Their decency, conscientious personality, responsibility, interests, respectful demeanors, and joyful qualities have contributed to the joys of my days this past year. I doubt they know how much, for when those qualities in a person are constant they can take on a normalcy. Through interactions with other students and people in general, I realize it is not always "normalcy" and these qualities should not be taken for granted. So thank you AP Calculus AB students 2011. You will forever have a spot etched in this teacher's heart!

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