Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Teresa Turns 50!!!

Recently, my sister Teresa tuned the big five-o!!!!
You're halfway to the promised land, looking mighty fine, and I'm right behind you.

Speaking of the promised land, we celebrated at the Pope's table!
The Pope's table at Beppe Di Bucco.
Maybe someday you'll dine at the Pope's table at The Vatican.
I'd love to be your travel buddy on that trip.

The two people who also deserve a big congratulations shout out are The Mamma.

and The Pappa.

Here's to 5o more years My Lovey.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sarah Elizabeth

Today is one wonderful day in the life of my family.
It is Sarah's birthday.
Sarah's birthday is on December 26th, one day after Christmas.
That seems fitting considering that Christ's birth is one of the few that can out do hers!
To see pictures of little, adorable Sarah, see my previous post on her.
To see the beautiful young woman she has become,
see her self portrait below.
I find myself using the word "beautiful" before "Sarah".
I can't help it.
Just writing or saying "Sarah" seems incomplete.
She is not only physically beautiful,
but she is a beautiful spirit,
a beautiful contribution to life on earth,
and most certainly, a beautiful contribution to a family that loves her so.
She is sooooooo easy to love.

Happy Birthday Sarah,
My heart, and I'm sure it's not just my heart, explodes with love for you,
Autie Monqiue

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monique & Trey

Little Monique and Trey came to visit this fall.
We walked in Chicago through Lincoln Park . . .

where the trees are blue . . .

the flowers are beautiful . . .

and the pickin's are good!

Although we stopped to look at the animals,
Trey was interested in only one animal,
Mamma Monique.

What a beautiful shot,
the city,
Monique & Trey,
and one of Chicago's newest architectural gems.

Then it was back home to do some homework . . .
"Do you like to do math homework, Monique?"
"I'll take that as a yes."

I love having Monique visit,
especially when she brings along Trey and Charlie.
we missed you Charlie!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Slim Pickins & Chicago Country Music Fest

This has been an eventful fall - OK, I know it's winter, but I'm a little behind on my posts. They will be coming fast and furious over the next week.

So let's begin.

There was the Chicago Country Music Fest in which my brother-in-law's band, Slim Pickins, played - GIDDY UP!

Ain't he a handsome cowboy?
He may not own any cows, but if he did by gosh they would be some tasty ones.
By the way, he's the one looking at the camera.

My niece, his daughter, Hannah also sang in the fest, like a cowless cowgirl angel.

Her sister Sarah and my sister Teresa, the mamma of this beautiful brood, were in the audience cheering on their loved ones.

A country music fest in a major city - the juxtaposition (a word I learned in high school and have looked for opportunities to use ever since) is wonderful.

A New Addition to the Family

I'm a middle-aged woman, and my parents just . . . just . . . just . . .
bought a new "car". It's like I have a new sibling - not really!

We call it The Beast, although it rides like a purring kitten.

It's a "car" fit for a queen . . .

and a Jethro.

A princess also can enjoy luxuriating in the back seat.
Look at all that leg room!

It fits my parents well.

And it pulls their Airstream well.

But a moment of silence for their beloved 4-Runner Limited.
With almost 200,000 miles, it still looked and ran like new, just like them.

I still own a 4-Runner Limited (the "limited" part is important!),
but I have noted the differences.
My car is now the little buddy of our car family.
Well, maybe not. There's always my sister's car-tje?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Goodbye 'Til Spring

Oh how I love the Fall.
I fall in love with it again and again and again,
year after year after year.

The only thing I don't like about the Fall -
it ends and that Q-stream goes into hibernation.

See you in the Spring.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today is my $&th birthday. As birthdays have the tendency to do, it was a reflective day. What did I reflect upon - how lucky I am to be surrounded by a loving family and loving friends - the best and most precious present ever!

Cheers to another good year!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sister Roadtrip

Goodmorning Hannah!!!
Or maybe not :(

That's better!
We dropped Hannah off at school and headed for the open road

for our sister road trip.

Three states in one day - Illinois, Indiana,

Michigan, oops that's not in the plan,

and then Ohio.
We missed the state sign so this Ohio "sign"
on the side of a barn
photographed through a bug encrusted window
will have to do,
and by "we", I mean Teresa.

Along the way we stopped at a rest stop for a picnic,

but we forgot the butter,
and by "we" I mean me.
Sorry Teresa, but I did remember my mayonaise!

Our next stop, Starbucks, as Teresa searches for a Diet Coke replacement.
She's a trooper, but that cup was pretty full when it got pitched,
and we drank our share of Diet Coke that weekend - oh, behave!

Next, one of my favorite fruit stands, Haslinger Orchards.
A stand where a bite into one of their apples, pears, or plums results in juice running down your arm; where their tomatoes taste like tomatoes;
and where the prices aren't "Whole Foodish" but the food is.

And then we made it to my baby - all fixed up and ready to go home.
Isn't she a beauty?

Several repairs and embelishments were made.
My parents added to her upgrades with tires as my Christmas present,

a new Zip-Dee fan with lights on the side for my birthday.
I am sooo wonderfully spoiled!!!
Thanks Mom & Dad!

That night we made it to the Elkhart County Fairgrounds in time to set-up, cozy-up, and have a tasty and quick meal of Whole Foods hotdogs, wheat buns, and fresh green beans. The hotdogs being from Whole Foods make them guilt free - it's true. Really.

All too soon it was time to read in bed for a while.

Once the books were put away, we fell asleep to
the sounds of Sherlock Holmes.
How sublime.

We awoke around 7:00 AM to an already bustling fairgrounds where
the Mennonite Relief Sale was in full swing.

Our first priority was to make it to the Quilt Auction.
Notice the woman standing in the far left of the picture.
That's my sister Teresa!

A request went out for volunteers to help deliver the quilts to the winners. Teresa stood right up and headed for the auction block. I LOVE that about her! She participates fully in life.

This fair was Barrels of Fun for all!!

After lunch we drove through Amish land, wandering the back roads
as we made our way to Shipshawana.

The sites were beautiful, unique (from a big city perspective) and interesting.

Some right out of a Master's painting.

Some not.
This one's for you, Sarah.

We visited the quilter's mothership, Lolly's, and life was good.
(Although I hear there are many quilter's motherships.)

After a day of Amishing, we once again cozied up in the beautiful Q-stream.
Teresa worked on her quilt for her eldest, oh so special daughter, Sarah.

Nice gadget Teres.
What is that?
A needle threader?
Why do you need it?
Your eyes ain't what they used to be?
Que sera sera, whatever will be will be,
the future's not our to see, que sera sera.

And what a beautiful bag in which to carry your quilting widgets.

While Teresa quilted, I tightened a screw under the throne de pooper.

It was a beautiful night topping off a beautiful day.

The next morning, it was up and at' em' as we hit the road for home.

Only minutes from the fairgrounds in the town of Goshen, there's a gun turret used in the times of Al Copone so the town could protect itself.

Then our drive went from farm fields . . .

to city fields . . .

to city skylines . . .

from farm gas prices
to city gas prices,
to home.

In case it isn't obvious already, I love my sister to bits!!!!!
Love, Your Lovey