Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A New Addition to the Family

I'm a middle-aged woman, and my parents just . . . just . . . just . . .
bought a new "car". It's like I have a new sibling - not really!

We call it The Beast, although it rides like a purring kitten.

It's a "car" fit for a queen . . .

and a Jethro.

A princess also can enjoy luxuriating in the back seat.
Look at all that leg room!

It fits my parents well.

And it pulls their Airstream well.

But a moment of silence for their beloved 4-Runner Limited.
With almost 200,000 miles, it still looked and ran like new, just like them.

I still own a 4-Runner Limited (the "limited" part is important!),
but I have noted the differences.
My car is now the little buddy of our car family.
Well, maybe not. There's always my sister's car-tje?

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