Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Slim Pickins & Chicago Country Music Fest

This has been an eventful fall - OK, I know it's winter, but I'm a little behind on my posts. They will be coming fast and furious over the next week.

So let's begin.

There was the Chicago Country Music Fest in which my brother-in-law's band, Slim Pickins, played - GIDDY UP!

Ain't he a handsome cowboy?
He may not own any cows, but if he did by gosh they would be some tasty ones.
By the way, he's the one looking at the camera.

My niece, his daughter, Hannah also sang in the fest, like a cowless cowgirl angel.

Her sister Sarah and my sister Teresa, the mamma of this beautiful brood, were in the audience cheering on their loved ones.

A country music fest in a major city - the juxtaposition (a word I learned in high school and have looked for opportunities to use ever since) is wonderful.

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