Friday, September 10, 2010

Bouchons au Thon (Tuna Corks)

Whenever I visit my sister Teresa, I end up leaving with a whole lot of love and a magazine or book.

We both, as all the women in my family, love to nest and always enjoy an inspirational read about how to do it better. Last weekend I left with the book "A Homemade Life, Stories and Recipes From My Kitchen Table" by Molly Wizenberg, the creator of the blog Orangette. The title just screams "Nesting"!

I hit page 101 and was intrigued by the recipe with the tres francais name Bouchons au Thon.

I highly recommend you buy the book and read Molly's story behind this recipe and all the others. It's like a novel mated with a cookbook. Hmmmmm.

The combination of ingredients was not a set I would even think of putting together . . . so I had to try it. My favorite recipe folder has increased by one. This was unexpectedly delicious and easy.

The ingredients list.
How wonderfully short it is!

The ingredients.
Creme Fraiche - gotta love that French contribution to the world.

Tuna right out of the can.

It needs to be mashed with a fork to get rid of all the big chunks.

Flake and mash the tuna.

Add all the other ingredients

Mix with a fork.

Mid mix, the colors were so beautiful, I had to take a picture.

I also took a picture when the mixing was done. But oops, I deleted it.

The color pretty much looks the same pre-cooked as it does cooked.

The recipe called for putting the mix in an 8-muffin muffin pan. My 6-muffin muffin pan was just the right size.

The recipe also called for baking the muffins at 325 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. I ended up cooking them for a good 30 minutes.

The tops are firm and the sides separate from the pan . . . . done.

Let them cool for 5 minutes before serving.

Plated and ready to eat with a side of buttered wheat French bread - gotta keep it French.

Notice the tablecloth. I bought it last weekend on sale at Anthropolgie. How can you not be happy around those colors!

Bon Appetite!


Teresa said...

WOW! What a TERRIFIC BLOG!!! I'm soooooooo happy to hear about the Molly Wizenberg got great reviews and sounds just like a perfect book for us! Nothing better than creating a warm and wonderful home! BUT did you have to put in a photo of Big Mama??? UGH. All your posts are terrific...I'll be checking the purple podium! Love the tablecloth from Anthropologie, actually love just about anything from Anthropologie! Mostly love Charlize's model pose, Trey's butt and my Parisian Cowgirl!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Tres

MQClark said...

I have another commenter! Of course Mom was my first commenter so it makes sense that you, my mini mom, are my second.

XXXXXXOOOOOOO right back at ya!