Monday, May 17, 2010


This weekend was suppose to be warm and sunny!
Liar, liar, it was overcast and cool.
Nonetheless, we forged on, but first, feed the Airstream, then . . .

set up camp and do one of my favorite glamping things . . .

Kristin made lunch.

Not just any sandwiches - beautifully presented ones.
Who knew wax paper could be so appetizing?

Liverwurst and beets . . .

Egg . . .

Salmon and cucumbers.

Then it was nap time.
Then is was bike time.
Then it was dinner time, well, almost.

Homemade, freshly squeezed lime margaritas first.
The weather may have been cool, but in our minds, it was a beautiful summer eve.

Like I said, it was summer in our minds, and on our feet (with modifications).

Now for dinner around and on the fire.

Two hours later . . .
This was the main course - beef stroganof.
I would show a better view, but there really wasn't one.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Good thing we had a stand by salad and some tasty hor d'ourves.

On a final note, good friends are precious.
Good friends with good food - super precious!

If Kristin wasn't there, I would have been asking "do you deliver to campsites?"

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