Monday, May 17, 2010


This weekend was suppose to be warm and sunny!
Liar, liar, it was overcast and cool.
Nonetheless, we forged on, but first, feed the Airstream, then . . .

set up camp and do one of my favorite glamping things . . .

Kristin made lunch.

Not just any sandwiches - beautifully presented ones.
Who knew wax paper could be so appetizing?

Liverwurst and beets . . .

Egg . . .

Salmon and cucumbers.

Then it was nap time.
Then is was bike time.
Then it was dinner time, well, almost.

Homemade, freshly squeezed lime margaritas first.
The weather may have been cool, but in our minds, it was a beautiful summer eve.

Like I said, it was summer in our minds, and on our feet (with modifications).

Now for dinner around and on the fire.

Two hours later . . .
This was the main course - beef stroganof.
I would show a better view, but there really wasn't one.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Good thing we had a stand by salad and some tasty hor d'ourves.

On a final note, good friends are precious.
Good friends with good food - super precious!

If Kristin wasn't there, I would have been asking "do you deliver to campsites?"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Great Great Niece

Recently I needed a little elixir, and that little elixir was. . .
my great niece, C.

That's better!

What an angel!
She participated in creating a wonderful evening by proudly setting the dinner table - no questions asked - nice.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love when the next generation participates in the joys of life.

Before that positive contribution, her focus was on the computer.
I could eat those cheeks!

And then there are those multiplying fingers!
Love that concentration!

Who is this mysterious being?

Of course!

Monique, yes oh yes, Monique, starts the evening entertainment by reading a few poems from one of their favorite books.

C continues with the entertainment.
Can you remember that type of concentration mixed with the satisfaction of success?

The evening was topped off with bath time for little brother T.
Catch a glimpse of those laughing faces.
Life is good when it's bath time.

I left this visit of simple joys, the best kind, feeling healed from a somber mood.
So I leave you with a view of these beautiful eyes in the hopes that they lift whatever mood you are in to a higher level.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

An Elixir of a Picture

Sometimes just looking at a picture can raise your happiness rating.
In case you can't tell, this is a my great niece (great in so many ways), posing with the mannequins at Marshall Field's mothership store on State Street.

OK, so it's Macy's now. "Marshall Field's" just sounds more in line with the special qualities of this stately State Street store.

As for this picture, every time I look at it I laugh inside. Just imagine what was going through young her mind. "I think I will pose with these pretend girls. Hey, maybe Autie will take my picture if I stand here long enough. Maybe she thinks I'm one of them. THIS IS FUN!"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

AP Calculus AB Exam

Today was THE day for the AP Calculus exam. Wow!

I am always impressed with the students whose math education to date culminates with this exam. Not an easy exam. Yet they rise to the occasion.

I feel very lucky to have been their teacher. They (by which I really mean some of them) can drive me crazy at times, but overall, well, well, well, the goddess of fortune shines, shines, shines on me for having been the teacher of another wonderful group of young adults. When some people complain about "those kids today . . .", I think of these "kids" and feel those people have it so wrong.

Tomorrow I look forward to seeing them and to hear about their exam experience. I even look forward to hanging out with them for a few days watching a movie ("Stand and Deliver", of course). The remaining three weeks after that . . . . too long!

Tomorrow - Day #1 of life after the exam. And there is life after the exam.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hannah Pickins

My oh my . . . my youngest niece, Hannah, made her band debut this weekend with her dad's band, Slim Pickins.
I love how the next generation brings so much joy to life.

Her singing - like a modern day angel.

Her outfit - like cowgirl meets . . .


Notice the black flower at the nape of her neck

Hannah's Oma and Opa enjoy the concert. How could they not?! Proud they were. Proud they are.

Hannah getting a "break a leg" hug from her Opa.

Even her "off stage" outfit fits the bill.

Well done Hannah! You can go home now.

I hope I piqued your curiosity enough to watch her sing. Enjoy.