Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sister Roadtrip

Goodmorning Hannah!!!
Or maybe not :(

That's better!
We dropped Hannah off at school and headed for the open road

for our sister road trip.

Three states in one day - Illinois, Indiana,

Michigan, oops that's not in the plan,

and then Ohio.
We missed the state sign so this Ohio "sign"
on the side of a barn
photographed through a bug encrusted window
will have to do,
and by "we", I mean Teresa.

Along the way we stopped at a rest stop for a picnic,

but we forgot the butter,
and by "we" I mean me.
Sorry Teresa, but I did remember my mayonaise!

Our next stop, Starbucks, as Teresa searches for a Diet Coke replacement.
She's a trooper, but that cup was pretty full when it got pitched,
and we drank our share of Diet Coke that weekend - oh, behave!

Next, one of my favorite fruit stands, Haslinger Orchards.
A stand where a bite into one of their apples, pears, or plums results in juice running down your arm; where their tomatoes taste like tomatoes;
and where the prices aren't "Whole Foodish" but the food is.

And then we made it to my baby - all fixed up and ready to go home.
Isn't she a beauty?

Several repairs and embelishments were made.
My parents added to her upgrades with tires as my Christmas present,

a new Zip-Dee fan with lights on the side for my birthday.
I am sooo wonderfully spoiled!!!
Thanks Mom & Dad!

That night we made it to the Elkhart County Fairgrounds in time to set-up, cozy-up, and have a tasty and quick meal of Whole Foods hotdogs, wheat buns, and fresh green beans. The hotdogs being from Whole Foods make them guilt free - it's true. Really.

All too soon it was time to read in bed for a while.

Once the books were put away, we fell asleep to
the sounds of Sherlock Holmes.
How sublime.

We awoke around 7:00 AM to an already bustling fairgrounds where
the Mennonite Relief Sale was in full swing.

Our first priority was to make it to the Quilt Auction.
Notice the woman standing in the far left of the picture.
That's my sister Teresa!

A request went out for volunteers to help deliver the quilts to the winners. Teresa stood right up and headed for the auction block. I LOVE that about her! She participates fully in life.

This fair was Barrels of Fun for all!!

After lunch we drove through Amish land, wandering the back roads
as we made our way to Shipshawana.

The sites were beautiful, unique (from a big city perspective) and interesting.

Some right out of a Master's painting.

Some not.
This one's for you, Sarah.

We visited the quilter's mothership, Lolly's, and life was good.
(Although I hear there are many quilter's motherships.)

After a day of Amishing, we once again cozied up in the beautiful Q-stream.
Teresa worked on her quilt for her eldest, oh so special daughter, Sarah.

Nice gadget Teres.
What is that?
A needle threader?
Why do you need it?
Your eyes ain't what they used to be?
Que sera sera, whatever will be will be,
the future's not our to see, que sera sera.

And what a beautiful bag in which to carry your quilting widgets.

While Teresa quilted, I tightened a screw under the throne de pooper.

It was a beautiful night topping off a beautiful day.

The next morning, it was up and at' em' as we hit the road for home.

Only minutes from the fairgrounds in the town of Goshen, there's a gun turret used in the times of Al Copone so the town could protect itself.

Then our drive went from farm fields . . .

to city fields . . .

to city skylines . . .

from farm gas prices
to city gas prices,
to home.

In case it isn't obvious already, I love my sister to bits!!!!!
Love, Your Lovey

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dinner With My Lovely Sarah

Let me introduce you to my lovable niece Sarah.

These are just a few of my favorite pictures of her.
They reflect the joy and happiness she has brought to our lives,
lives that are so much better because she is a part of them.

The middle picture was our first hard food meal together.
I remember the day like it was yesterday . . .
ok, maybe not yesterday, more like a month ago . . .
ok, a year ago.

Now she's 21 and we're dining at The Berghoff.

She continues to eat solid foods . . .

and the food actually goes into her mouth, not on her face.

Sarah had a Reuben sandwich with homemade potato chips.
I had sauerbraten - a name that never sounded appetizing to me, but it was delicious.
The surprising star of the meal, however, were the mashed potatoes - super yum!

She likes sparkly things that mirror her sparkly personality.
She also loves her feet and will proudly announce it to anyone who asks.

She also loves a young man named . . . what's his name, let me think . . .
oh yea, Tony!

She has an adorable purse from Franscescas.
A future hand-me-down for Autie?

And she hangs it on a pretty purse hook.
It cracks me up that she bought it and uses it!
With a purse like that hanging off the table it looks like a piece of art.

The art in the background is nothing compared to the art that Sarah creates.
Yes, Sarah is an artist and here she is working on ideas for a water color cow piece I have commissioned her to make for me! I can't wait!!!!

Creative juices are flowing . . . .

Still flowing . . .

Still flowing . . .
Creative juices?
Something is flowing here, I just don't know what.
Ciao My Beautiful Bella!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Face

I'm always on the lookout for preferably natural, easy face care.
Here are a few finds I am really liking.

First, let's start with washing the face.

I have been a die hard Cetaphil fan for years when it comes to washing my face. Recently I thought I'd try something different, but only if it is as cost effective (thanks Mom for that saying) as Cetaphil. I think I may have found my next face love. It's from Kiehl's.

It cost a little more ($16 as opposed to $10) than Cetaphil, but look at how much you need to wash your face . . . .

Not Much!

I still like Cetaphil, but this is a nice change of pace.
I hope to look ten years younger by the time the tube is empty.

After an evening wash, it's time for Kiehl's magical Midnight Recovery Complex, "a replenishing elixir of pure essential oils and distilled botanicals to visibly restore the appearance of skin by morning" - SOLD!! And it feels good going on.

And I must say, the bottle is rather sexy.

After a morning wash, it's time for Dr. Hauschka's Toned Day Cream to "add protection and a healthy glow". Gotta love that glow, especially when that pasty winter complexion appears about mid-November.

The next two items are not essential . . . or are they?

I am slowly (considering my lip-stick-wearing age, very slowly) adding more color to my lips. This is the first color I can cornily say I fell in love with. Yes, fell in love with.

It's Chanel's Rouge Coco, #10, Camelia.

Of course, I had to get a matching lip liner,
Chanel's Pink Sugar.

Not only am I enamored by the color, but the lipstick glides on like cashmere, and stays on for hours, hours, hours, even after eating two tacos, drinking two cappuccinos, and a bottle of water.

If you can't find me next Saturday, check out the Chanel counter at Bloomingdale's. Here's a shout out to the wonderful ladies there and at the Keihl's counter. They made the experience and sale easy and enjoyable. Hey, was that their plan? Oh well, I had fun and still am enjoying my purchases.

Au Revoir Mes Amies