Monday, August 22, 2011

McClure's Pickles - WOW!

I should probably be more specific, McClure's Spicy Spears Pickles - WOW!

For quite a while I've been curious about McClure's pickles. Aside from their enticing appearance and packaging, they are pricier than the more familiar brands. Does pricier equate to tastier? I was about to find out. They were on sale so I broke down and bought a jar. I didn't see "spears spicy" on the label, even though it's in a pretty large font with an obvious red chili pepper between the two words.

I bit into one (remember, not knowing they were spicy) and WOW!!!!!

So I say McClure's Pickles - WOW!!!

This is a good wow.

These pickles are quite the treat.

I wonder what the not spicy spears taste like?

On a parting note, the ingredients list for these pickles is deliciously short: cucumbers, vinegar, water, salt, peppers, garlic dill. Notice that none of the ingredients end in "ates" or "ites".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Julia's Most Excellent Carrots

A bunch of carrots were going limp in my fridge yesterday, so off I embarked on a search for a carrot recipe. For the ease and simplicity of it, I choose Julia Child's recipe for Glazed Carrots minus the sugar (it was sooo not necessary).

Julia suggests peeling the carrots before cutting them into chunks of equal size. I just brush them clean, no peeling.

Put the carrots in a pot with enough water to go half way up the carrots. Add some salt and one to two tablespoons of butter. Cover and boil until the water evaporates then let the carrots saute in their own juices for a while (I just kept my eyes on them). Serve up and enjoy.

I ate half the carrots right away. With much restraint I saved the rest for later. A quick reheat in the microwave (an appliance I try to avoid) and they were as tastey as the first time. So easy and so delicious. My favorite type of recipe.

By the way, notice the new tablecloth. I bought it in Strasbourg, France (formerly in Germany, then in France, then Germany, then France . . . . aye, yaye, yaye!)