Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Dad

My dad.

A man who has resided in a world of women for about 50 years.
Often he is on the edge of all that female conversation, but he handles it well - he doesn't try to stop it or change it!  I think he enjoys when this brood of women (which keeps growing with each generation) are together and happily kibitzing.

My favorite times with my dad are when we are working together on my place (both of them, home and Airstream); taking road trips; backpacking and fishing in the Bighorn Mountains or kayaking down the Wisconsin River; listening to him retell the books he's reading (and he reads a lot of books), both fiction and non-fiction; seeing historically based movies with him, because he's wonderful at explaining the historical background; and when he has a full hearted laugh.

Happy Father's Day Dad!!!!

I love you to bits!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pure Joyful Laughter

This is my latest favorite photo!
It captures a moment of pure free laughter.
Both the laugher and laughee had to have to left this moment feeling elated.
I wasn't either, and I left the moment feeling pretty darn good.